Murder Show | Motorhead |

Murder Show

Testo Murder Show

Killer, Killer, he knows where you live
Action, thriller, how much would you give
To be there, watching, when the killer strikes
To be there, greedy, when he takes a life

Something in humanity is real keen to go
These days everybody gets to go to the murder show
Fire, fire, children die in flames
People standing, to see them scream in pain
Roadkill, roadkill, slow down your car
You might see the victim if he wasn‘t dragged too far

People seem to want to see themselves laid low
These days everybody gets to go to the murder show
Rapist, Rapist, people driving by
Racist, Racist, cross burn in the sky
No one to help them, no one to raise a hand
Everyone frightened all across the land

One day they might get to see a face they know
These days everybody gets to go
Something in humanity is real keen to go
These days everybody gets to go to the murder show

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